Citizen's Guide To Pesticides And Toxic Substances


Knowing Your Options

Tips for Handling Pesticides

Determining Correct Dosage

Correct Storage and Disposal

How to Choose a Pest Control Company

How to Reduce Your Exposure to Pesticides

"Someone's Been Poisoned, Help"


THEY'RE THERE. Whether you see them or not, you know they're
there -- in your home, your vegetable garden, your lawn, your
fruit and shade trees, your flowers, and on your pets. They are
pests -- insects, weeds, fungi, rodents, and others.

Households and their surrounding grounds are frequent hosts to
common structural pests (cockroaches, fleas, rodents), as well as
a wide array of pests that are usually associated with
agriculture. Because pests are all around -- sometimes creating a
nuisance but sometimes causing severe financial loss -- consumers
have turned increasingly to pesticides to control them. Just as
"pests" can be anything from cockroaches in your kitchen to algae
in your swimming pool, pesticides include insecticides,
herbicides, fungicides, rodenticides, disinfectants, and plant
growth regulators -- anything that kills or otherwise controls a
pest of any kind.

The first and most important step in pest control is to identify
the pest. Some pests, or signs of them, are unmistakable. Others
are not. For example, some plant "diseases" are really
indications of insufficient soil nutrients.

Three information sources are particularly helpful in
identifying pests and appropriate pest control methods: reference
books (such as insect field guides or gardening books), your
local authority, and pesticide dealers.

The next step is to decide what level of treatment you want. Is
anyone in the family or neighbourhood particularly sensitive to
chemical pesticides? Does your lawn really need to be totally
weed-free? Do you need every fruit, vegetable, or flower you
grow, or could you replace certain pest-prone species or
varieties with hardier substitutes? Will you accept some
blemished produce? In other words, do you need to eliminate all
weeds and insects, or can you tolerate some pests?

Remember that total pest elimination is virtually impossible,
and trying to eradicate pests from your premises will lead you to
more extensive, repeated chemical treatments than are required
for pest control. Remember, too, that to manage any pest
effectively, you must use each method (or combination of methods)
correctly. Finally, you must also abide by all pertinent local
and government regulations.


There is another important question to ask in making pest
control decisions: is there something on your premises that
needlessly invites pest infestations? The answer to this question
may lead you to take some common-sense steps to modify pest

* Remove water sources. All pests, vertebrate or invertebrate,
need water for survival. Fix leaky plumbing and do not let water
accumulate anywhere in your home. This means no water in trays
under your houseplants overnight if you have a cockroach

* Remove food sources (if the pest's food is anything other than
the plant or animal you are trying to protect). For example, this
could mean storing your food in sealed glass or plastic
containers, avoiding the habit of leaving your pet's food out for
extended periods of time, and placing your refuse in tightly
covered, heavy-gauge rubbish bins.

* Remove or destroy pest shelter. Caulk cracks and crevices to
control cockroaches; remove piles of wood from under or around
your home in order to avoid attracting termites;

* Remove and destroy diseased plants, tree prunings, and fallen
fruit that might harbour pests.

* Remove breeding sites. The presence of pet manure attracts
flies, litter encourages rodents, and standing water provides a
perfect breeding place for mosquitoes.

* Remove sources of preventable stress to plants (flowers,
trees, vegetable plants, and turf). Plant at the optimum time of
year. Use mulch to reduce weed competition and maintain even soil
temperature and moisture. Provide adequate water.

* Use preventive cultural practices, such as careful selection
of disease-resistant seed or plant varieties, companion planting
to exploit the insect-repellent properties of certain plants,
strategic use of "trap" crops to lure pests away from crops you
wish to protect, crop rotation and diversification, and optimum
use of spacing. Make sure you have good drainage and soil

Non-chemical Controls

If you practice preventive techniques such as those mentioned
above, you will reduce your chances, or frequency, of pest
infestation. However, if you already have an infestation, are
there any pest control alternatives besides chemical pesticides?

The answer is an emphatic "yes." One or a combination of several
non-chemical treatment alternatives may be appropriate. Your best
strategy depends on the pest and the site where the pest occurs.

Non-chemical alternatives include:

* Biological treatments, including predators such as ladybirds;
parasites; and pathogens such as bacteria, viruses (generally not
available to homeowners), and other microorganisms like Bacillus
thuringiensis and milky spore disease.

There is no way to be certain how long predators will stay in
target areas. Contact your local authority for information about
how to protect desirable predators.

* Mechanical treatments, including cultivating to control weeds,
hand-picking weeds from turf and pests from plants, trapping to
control rodents and some insects, and screening living space to
limit flying insect access.

Non-chemical pest control methods really work. They do have some
disadvantages: the results are not immediate, and it requires
some work to make a home or garden less attractive to pests. But
the advantages of non-chemical methods are many. Compared to
chemical pesticide treatments, such methods are generally
effective for longer periods of time. They do not create hardy,
pesticide-resistant pest populations. And they can be used
without safeguards, because they pose virtually no hazards to
human health or the environment.

Chemical Controls

If you decide that chemical treatment can provide the best
solution to your pest problem, and you want to control the pests
yourself rather than turning the problem over to a professional
pest control operator, then you have an important decision to
make: which product to choose. Before making that decision, learn
as much as you can about a product's active ingredient -- its
biologically active agent. Is it "broad-spectrum" in its mode of
action (effective against a broad range of pests), or is it
"selective" (effective against only a few pest species)? How
rapidly does the active ingredient break down once it is
introduced into the environment? Is it suspected of causing
chronic health effects? Is it toxic to non-target wildlife and
house pets? Is it known, or suspected, to leach through soil into
ground water?

Here again, your local authority, reference books, or pesticide
dealers may be able to provide assistance.

When you have narrowed your choices of active ingredients, you
are ready to select a pesticide product. Choose the least toxic
pesticide that can achieve the results you desire. Read the
label. It lists active ingredients, the target pests (for
example, mites, flies, beetle grubs, broad-leafed weeds, algae,
etc.), and the sites where the product may be used (for example,
lawns, specific vegetable crops, roses, swimming pools, etc.). Be
sure the site of your pest problem is included among the sites
listed on the label.

Pesticide active ingredients are formulated in many ways. Choose
the formulation best suited to your site and the pest you are
trying to control. The most common types of home-use pesticide
formulations include:

* Solutions, which contain the active ingredient and one or more
additives, and readily mix with water.

* Aerosols, which contain one or more active ingredients and a
solvent. They are ready for immediate use as is.

* Dusts, which contain active ingredients plus a very fine dry
inert carrier such as clay, talc, or volcanic ash. Dusts are
ready for immediate use and are applied dry.

* Granulars, which are similar to dusts, but with larger and
heavier particles for broadcast applications.

* Baits, which are active ingredients mixed with food or other
substances to attract the pest.

* Wettable powders, which are dry, finely ground formulations
that generally are mixed with water for spray application. Some
also may be used as dusts.

Depending on the type of formulation you choose, you may need to
dilute or mix the product. Prepare only the amount that you need
for each application; don't prepare larger amounts to store for
possible future use. (See "Determining Correct Dosage.")

Once you have identified the pest, selected the right pesticide,
and determined proper dosage, you are ready to use the product.
Application technique and timing are every bit as important as
the material used, so read the label for directions. That
advice -- to read the label -- is repeated so often in this guide
that it may become tiresome. But in fact, the advice cannot be
repeated often enough. Read the label before you buy a product,
and again before you mix it, before you apply it, before you
store it, and before you throw it away. The directions on a label
are there for a very good reason: to help you achieve maximum
benefits with minimum risk. But these benefits depend upon proper
use of the products.

Chemical pesticides also have their disadvantages. They must be
used very carefully to achieve results while protecting users and
the environment. The results are generally temporary, and
repeated treatments may be required.

Therefore, to achieve best results when you do use chemical
pesticides, use preventive and non-chemical treatments along with
them. This will reduce the need for repeated applications.

You should always evaluate your pesticide use, comparing pre-
treatment and post-treatment conditions. You should weigh the
benefits of short-term chemical pesticide control against the
benefits of long-term control using a variety of techniques.

Knowledge of a range of pest control techniques gives you the
ability to pick and choose among them. Pests, unfortunately, will
always be around us, and, if you know about all pest control
options, you will know what to do the next time THEY'RE THERE.

Tips for Handling Pesticides

Pesticides are not "safe." They are produced specifically
because they are toxic to something. By heeding all the following
tips, you can reduce your risks when you use pesticides.

* All pesticides legally marketed in this country must bear an
approved label; check the label to make sure.

* Before using a pesticide, read the entire label. Even if you
have used the pesticide before, read the label again -- don't
trust your memory. Use of any pesticide in any way that is not
consistent with label directions and precautions is subject to
civil and/or criminal penalties.

* Do not use a "restricted use" pesticide unless you are a
formally trained, certified pesticide applicator. These products
are too dangerous to be used without special training.

* Follow use directions carefully. Use only the amount directed,
at the time and under the conditions specified, and for the
purpose listed. Don't think that twice the dosage will do twice
the job. It won't. What's worse, you may harm yourself, others,
or whatever you are trying to protect.

* Look for one of the following signal words on the front of the
label. It will tell you how hazardous a pesticide is if
swallowed, inhaled, or absorbed through skin.

"DANGER" means highly poisonous;

"WARNING" means moderately hazardous;

"CAUTION" means least hazardous.

* Wear the items of protective clothing the label requires: for
example, long sleeves and long trousers, impervious gloves,
rubber (not canvas or leather) footwear, hat, and goggles.
Personal protective clothing usually is available at DIY stores.

* If you must mix or dilute the pesticide, do so outdoors or in
a well-ventilated area. Mix only the amount you need and use
portions listed on the label.

* Keep children and pets away from areas where you mix or apply

* If a spill occurs, clean it up promptly. Don't wash it away.
Instead, sprinkle with sawdust, vermiculite, or cat litter; sweep
into a plastic bin liner; and dispose with the rest of your

* Remove pets (including birds and fish) and toys from the area
to be treated. Remove food, dishes, pots, and pans before
treating kitchen cabinets, and don't let pesticides get on these
surfaces. Wait until shelves dry before refilling them.

* Allow adequate ventilation when applying pesticides indoors.
Go away from treated areas for at least the length of time
prescribed by the label. When spraying outdoors, close the
windows of your home.

* Most surface sprays should be applied only to limited areas;
don't treat entire floors, walls, or ceilings.

* Never place rodent or insect baits where small children or
pets can reach them.

* When applying spray or dust outdoors, cover fish ponds, and
avoid applying pesticides near wells. Always avoid over-
application when treating lawn, shrubs, or gardens. Runoff or
seepage from excess pesticide usage may contaminate water
supplies. Excess spray may leave harmful residues on home-grown

* Keep herbicides away from non-target plants. Avoid applying any
pesticide to blooming plants, especially if you see bees or other
pollinating insects around them. Avoid birds' nests when spraying

* Never spray or dust outdoors on a windy day.

* Never smoke while applying pesticides. You could easily carry
traces of the pesticide from hand to mouth. Also, some products
are flammable.

* Never transfer pesticides to containers not intended for them,
such as empty soft drink bottles. Keep pesticides in containers
that clearly and prominently identify the contents. Properly
refasten all childproof caps.

* Shower and shampoo thoroughly after using a pesticide product.
Wash the clothing that you wore when applying the product
separately from the family laundry. To prevent tracking chemicals
inside, also rinse boots and shoes before entering your home.

* Before using a pesticide product, know what to do in case of
accidental poisoning.

* To remove residues, use a bucket to triple rinse tools or
equipment, including any containers or utensils used to mix the
chemicals. Then pour the rinse water into the pesticide container
and reuse the solution by applying it according to the pesticide
product label directions.

* Evaluate the results of your pesticide use.

Determining Correct Dosage

So much information is packed onto pesticide labels that there
is usually no room to include examples of each dilution
applicable to the multitude of home-use situations. As a result,
label examples may inadvertently encourage preparation of more
pesticide than is needed. The excess may contribute to overuse,
safety problems related to storage and disposal, or simply wasted
costs of unused pesticide.

Determining the correct dosage for different types of pesticides
requires some simple calculations. The following information can
help you to prepare the minimum quantity of pesticide needed for
your immediate use situation.

For example, the product label says, "For the control of aphids
on tomatoes, mix 8 fluid ounces of pesticide into 1 gallon water
and spray until foliage is wet." Your experience has been that
your six tomato plants require only one quart of pesticide to wet
all the foliage. Therefore, only 2 fluid ounces of the pesticide
should be mixed into 1 quart of water. Why? Because a quart is
one-fourth of a gallon, and 2 fluid ounces mixed into 1 quart
make the same strength spray recommended by the label, but in a
quantity that can be used up all at once.

Consumers can solve problems similar to this one with careful
arithmetic, good measurements, and intelligent use of the
information provided here.

How to Measure

If you need to determine the size of a square or rectangular
area, such as a lawn for herbicide application, measure and
multiply the length and width. For example, an area 10 feet long
by 8 feet wide contains 80 square feet. Common area measurements
may involve square yards (1 square yard = 9 square feet) or
square feet (1 square foot = 144 square inches).

If you need to determine the volume of a space such as a room,
measure and multiply the room's length, width, and height. For
example, a space 10 feet long, 8 feet wide, and 8 feet high
contains a volume of 640 cubic feet. You would use this
procedure, for instance, for an aerosol release to control

Most residential-use pesticides are measured in terms of volume.
Some common equivalents are:

1 gallon (gal.) = 128 fluid ounces (ft. oz.)
= 4 quarts (qt.)
= 8 pints (pt.)
= 16 cups

1 qt. = 32 ft. oz.
= 2 pt.
= 4 cups

1 pt. = 16 ft. oz.
= 2 cups

1 cup = 8 ft. oz.

1 tablespoon = 1/2 fl. oz.
= 3 teaspoons

1 teaspoon = 1/8 ft. oz.

In measuring teaspoons or tablespoons of pesticide, use only
level spoonfuls, and never use the same measuring devices for
food preparation.

When calculating dosage, remember that, for pesticides not
diluted with water, you should proportionally change both the
quantity of pesticide and the area, volume, or number of items
treated. For example, one-half pound per 1,000 square feet is
equivalent to one-quarter pound per 500 square feet. For a
pesticide that is diluted with water, proportionally change the
quantity of pesticide, the quantity of water, and the area,
volume, or number of items treated. For example, one-half pound
of pesticide in 1 gallon of water applied to 1,000 square feet is
equivalent to 1 pound of pesticide in 2 gallons of water applied
to 2,000 square feet.

There is a point at which measurements needed for smaller
quantities of pesticides are too minute to be accurately measured
with typical domestic measuring devices. In such cases, the user
can either mix the larger volume, realising that there will be
left-over material; obtain a more accurate measuring device, such
as a graduated cylinder or a scale which measures small weights;
or search for an alternative pesticide or less concentrated
formulation of the same pesticide.

Correct Storage and Disposal

The following tips on home storage and disposal can help you
handle pesticides correctly.


* Buy only enough product to carry you through the use season,
to reduce storage problems.

* Store pesticides away from children and pets. A locked cabinet
in a well-ventilated utility area or garden shed is best.

* Store flammable liquids outside living quarters and away from
an ignition source.

* Never put pesticides in cabinets with, or near, food, medical
supplies, or cleaning materials. Always store pesticides in their
original containers, complete with labels that list ingredients,
directions for use, and antidotes in case of accidental
poisoning. Never transfer pesticides to soft drink bottles or
other containers that children may associate with something to
eat or drink. Always properly refasten child-proof closures or

* Avoid storing pesticides in places where flooding is possible,
or in open places where they might spill or leak into the
environment. If you have any doubt about the content of a
container, dispose of it with your rubbish.


* The best way to dispose of a small, excess amount of pesticide
is to use it -- apply it -- according to directions on the
product label. If you cannot use it, ask your neighbour whether
he/she can use it. If all the pesticide cannot be used, first
check with your local health department or solid waste management
agency to determine whether your community has a household
hazardous waste collection programme or any other programme for
handling disposal of pesticides.

* If no community programmes exist, follow label directions
regarding container disposal. To dispose of less than a full
container of a liquid pesticide, leave it in the original con-
tainer, with the cap securely in place to prevent spills or
leaks. Wrap the container in several layers of newspapers and tie
securely. Then place the package in a covered trash can for
routine collection with municipal refuse. If you do not have a
regular rubbish collection service, take the package to a
permitted landfill (unless your local authority has other

Note: No more than one gallon of liquid pesticide should be
disposed of in this manner.

* Wrap individual packages of dry pesticide formulations in
several layers of newspaper, or place the package in a tight
carton or bag, and tape or tie it closed. As with liquid
formulations, place the package in a covered trash can for
routine collection.

Note: No more than 5 pounds of pesticide at a time should be
disposed of in this manner.

* Do not pour surplus pesticides down the sink or into the
toilet. Chemicals in pesticides could interfere with the
operation of wastewater treatment systems or could pollute
waterways, because many municipal systems cannot remove all
pesticide residues.

* An empty pesticide container can be as hazardous as a full one
because of residues remaining inside. Never re-use such a
container. When empty, a pesticide container should be carefully
rinsed and thoroughly drained. Liquids used to rinse the
container should be added to the sprayer or to the container
previously used to mix the pesticide and used according to label

Empty product containers made of plastic or metal should be
punctured to prevent re-use. (Do not puncture or burn a
pressurised product container -- it could explode.) Glass
containers should be rinsed and drained, as described above, and
the cap or closure replaced securely. After rinsing, an empty
mixing container or sprayer may also be wrapped and placed in the

* If you have any doubts about proper pesticide disposal, contact
your local health department, or your solid waste management

How to Choose a Pest Control Company

Ants are taking over your kitchen. Mouse droppings dot your
dresser drawer. You've got a pest control problem, and you've
decided that it's too serious for you to solve on your own.
You've decided you need a professional exterminator.

If you find yourself in a situation like this, what can you do
to be sure that the pest control company you hire will do a good
job? Here are some questions you can ask:

1. Does the company have a good track record?

Don't rely on the company salesman to answer this question;
research the answer yourself. Ask around among neighbours and
friends; have any of them dealt with the company before? Were
they satisfied with the service they received? Call your local
consumer office; have they received any complaints about the

2. Does the company have insurance? What kind of insurance? Can
the salesman show some documentation to prove that the company is

Contractor's general liability insurance, including insurance
for sudden and accidental pollution, gives you as a homeowner a
certain degree of protection should an accident occur while
pesticides are being applied in your home. Contractor's workmen's
compensation insurance can also help protect you should an
employee of the contractor be injured while working in your home.

3. Is the company licensed?

Regulatory agencies issue pest control licenses. Although the
qualifications for a license may vary, at a minimum the license
requires that each company have a certified pesticide applicator
present in the office on a daily basis to supervise the work of
exterminators using restricted-use pesticides. (Certified
applicators are formally trained and "certified" as qualified to
use or supervise the use of pesticides that are classified for
restricted use.) If restricted-use pesticides are to be applied
on your premises, make sure the pest control operator's license
is current. Also ask if the company's employees are bonded.

You may want to contact your local authority to ask about
pesticide certification and training programmes and to inquire if
periodic recertification is required for pest control operators.

4. Is the company affiliated with a professional pest control

Professional associations -- whether national or local -- keep
members informed of new developments in pest control methods,
safety, training, research, and regulation. They also have codes
of practice that members agree to abide by. The fact that a
company, small or large, chooses to affiliate itself with a
professional association signals its concern for the quality of
its work.

5. Does the company stand behind its work? What assurances does
the company make?

You should think twice about dealing with a company unwilling to
stand behind its work. Be sure to find out what you must do to
keep your part of the bargain. For example, in the case of
woodworm control treatments, a guarantee may be invalidated if
structural alterations are made without prior notice to the pest
control company.

6. Is the company willing, and able, to discuss the treatment
proposed for your home?

Selecting a pest control service is just as important as
selecting other professional services. Look for the same high
degree of competence you would expect from a doctor or solicitor.
The company should inspect your premises and outline a
recommended control programme, including what pests are to be
controlled; the extent of the infestation; what pesticide
formulation will be used in your home and why; what techniques
will be used in application; what alternatives to the formulation
and techniques could be used instead; what special instructions
you should follow to reduce your exposure to the pesticide (such
as vacating the house, emptying the cupboards, removing pets,
etc.); and what you can do to minimise your pest problems in the

Contracts should be jointly developed. Any safety concerns
should be noted and reflected in the choice of pesticides to be
used. These concerns could include allergies, age of occupants
(infants or elderly), or pets. You may want to get two to three,
bids from different companies -- by value, not price. What
appears to be a bargain may merit a second look.

Even after you have hired a company, you should continue your
vigilance. Evaluate results. If you have reason to believe that
something has gone wrong with the pesticide application, contact
the company and/or your local pesticide agency. Don't let your
guard down, and don't stop asking questions.

How to Reduce Your Exposure to Pesticides

Because chemical pesticides are so widely used in our society,
and because of the properties of many of the chemicals, low
levels of pesticide residues are found throughout the
environment. Pesticides reach us in a variety of ways -- through
food, water, and air.

In regulating pesticides, government agencies strive to ensure
that lawful use of these products will not result in harmful
exposures. Proper use of registered products should yield residue
levels that are well within established safety standards.
Therefore, our average exposure to low-level residues, though
fairly constant, should not cause alarm.

Still, many people want to learn what choices they can make to
further reduce their exposure to any potential risks associated
with pesticides. By limiting your exposure to these products, you
can keep your risks to a minimum.

Below you will find descriptions of the main pathways of human
exposure to pesticides, as well as suggestions on ways to reduce
overall exposure and attendant risks. If, however, you suspect
that you suffer from serious chemical sensitivities, consult an
expert to develop a more personally tailored approach to managing
this problem.


Commercial Food

Throughout life -- beginning even before birth -- we are all
exposed to pesticides. A major source of exposure is through our
diets. We constantly consume small amounts of pesticides. Fruits
and vegetables, as well as meat, poultry, eggs, and milk, are all
likely to contain measurable pesticide residues.

There are standards, called tolerances, to limit the amount of
pesticide residues that legally may remain in or on food or
animal feed marketed in this country. Both domestic and imported
foods are monitored to ensure compliance with these tolerances.
Further, since pesticide residues generally tend to degrade over
time and through processing, residue concentrations in or on most
foods are well below legal tolerance levels by the time the foods
are purchased.

Although regulations do limit dietary pesticide exposure through
tolerances, you may wish to take extra precautions. You can take
several steps to reduce your exposure to residues in purchased

* Rinse fruit and vegetables thoroughly with water; scrub them
with a brush and peel them, if possible. Although this surface
cleaning will not remove "systemic" pesticide residues taken up
into the growing fruit or vegetable, it will remove most of the
existing surface residues, not to mention any dirt.

* Cook or bake foods to reduce residues of some (but not all)

* Trim the fat from meat and poultry. Discard the fats and oils
in broths and pan drippings, since residues of some pesticides
concentrate in fat.

Home-grown Food

Growing some of your own food can be both a pleasurable activity
and a way to reduce your exposure to pesticide residues in food.
But, even here, there are some things you may want to do to
assure that exposure is limited.

* Before converting land in an urban or suburban area to
gardening, find out how the land was used previously. Choose a
site that had limited (or no) chemical applications and where
drift or run-off from your neighbour's activities will not result
in unintended pesticide residues on your produce. Choose a garden
site strategically to avoid these potential routes of entry, if

If you are taking over an existing garden plot, be aware that
the soil may contain pesticide residues from previous gardening
activities. These residues may remain in the soil for several
years, depending on the persistence of the pesticides that were
used. Rather than waiting for the residues to decline naturally
over time, you may speed the process.

* Plant an interim, non-food, crop like annual rye grass,
clover, or alfalfa. Such crops, with their dense, fibrous root
systems, will take up some of the lingering pesticide residues.
Then discard the crops -- don't work them back into the soil --
and continue to alternate food crops with cover crops in the off

* During sunny periods, turn over the soil as often as every two
to three days for a week or two. The sunlight will help to break
down, or photo-degrade, some of the pesticide residues.

Once you do begin gardening, develop strategies that will reduce
your need for pesticides while maintaining good crop yields.

* Concentrate on building your garden's soil, since healthy soil
grows healthy plants. Feed the soil with compost, manure, etc.,
to increase its capacity to support strong crops.

* Select seeds and seedlings from hardy, disease-resistant
varieties. The resulting plants are less likely to need
pesticides in order to flourish.

* Avoid monoculture gardening techniques. Instead, alternate
rows of different kinds of plants to prevent significant pest
problems from developing.

* Don't plant the same crop in the same spot year after year if
you want to reduce plant susceptibility to over-wintered pests.

* Become familiar with integrated pest management (IPM)
techniques, so that you can manage any pest outbreaks that do
occur without relying solely on pesticides.

* Mulch your garden with leaves, hay, grass clippings,
shredded/chipped bark, or seaweed. Avoid using newspapers to keep
down weeds, and sewage sludge to fertilise plants. Newsprint may
contain heavy metals; sludge may contain heavy metals and pesti-
cides, both of which can leach into your soil.

Food from the Wild

While it might seem that hunting your own game, catching your
own fish, or gathering wild plant foods would reduce your overall
exposure to pesticides, this isn't necessarily so. Wild foods
hunted, caught, or gathered in areas where pesticides are
frequently used outdoors may contain pesticide residues.
Migratory species also may contain pesticide residues if these
chemicals are used anywhere in their flyways.

Tolerances generally are not established or enforced for
pesticides found in wild game, fowl, fish, or plants. Thus, if
you consume food from the wild, you may want to take the
following steps to reduce your exposure to pesticide residues.

* Because wild game is very lean, there is less fat in which
pesticides can accumulate. However, avoid hunting in areas where
pesticide usage is very high.

* Avoid fishing in water bodies where water contamination is
known to have occurred. Pay attention to posted signs warning of

* You may want to consult with fish and game officials where you
plan to hunt or fish to determine whether there are any pesticide
problems associated with that area.

* When picking wild plant foods, avoid gathering right next to a
road, utility right-of-way, or hedgerow between farm fields which
probably have been treated (directly or indirectly) with
pesticides. Instead, seek out fields that have not been used to
produce crops, deep woods, or other areas where pesticide use is

* When preparing wild foods, trim fat from meat, and discard
skin of fish to remove as many fat-soluble pesticide residues as
possible. For wild plant foods, follow the tips provided for
commercial food.

Exposure Through Water

Whether it comes from surface or ground water sources, the water
flowing from your tap may contain low levels of pesticides.

When pesticides are applied to land, a certain amount may run
off the land into streams and rivers. This runoff, coupled with
industrial discharges, can result in low-level contamination of
surface water. In certain hydrogeologic settings -- for example,
sandy soil over a ground water source that is near the
surface -- pesticides can leach down through the soil to the
ground water.

Government bodies set standards and provides advisory levels for
pesticides and other chemicals that may be found in drinking
water. Water authorities test their water periodically and
provide treatment or alternate supply sources if residue problems
arise. Private wells generally are not tested unless the well
owner requests such analysis.

If you get your drinking water from a private well, you can
reduce the chance of contaminating your water supply by following
these guidelines:

* Be cautious about using pesticides and other chemicals on your
property, especially if the well is shallow or is not tightly
constructed. Check with your local authority before using a
pesticide outdoors, to determine whether it is known or suspected
to leach to ground water. Never use or mix a pesticide near your
well head.

* To avoid pesticide contamination problems, be sure your well
extends downward to aquifers that are below, and isolated from,
surface aquifers, and be sure the well shaft is tightly sealed.
If you have questions about pesticide or other chemical residues
in your well water, contact your local health department.

* If your well water is analysed and found to contain pesticide
residue levels above established or recommended health standards,
you may wish to use an alternate water source such as bottled
water for drinking and cooking. The best choice is distilled
spring water in glass bottles. Ask your local bottler for the
results of a recent pesticide analysis.

Exposure Through Air

Outdoors, air currents may carry pesticides that were applied on
adjacent property or miles away. But there are steps you can take
to reduce your exposure to airborne pesticide residue, or drift,
outdoors. To reduce your exposure to airborne pesticides:

* Avoid applying pesticides in windy weather (when winds exceed
10 miles per hour).

* Use coarse droplet nozzles to reduce misting.

* Apply the spray as close to the target as possible.

* Keep the wind to your side so that sprays and dusts do not
blow into your face.

* If someone else is applying pesticides outdoors near your
home, stay indoors with your pets and children, keeping doors and
windows closed. If it is very windy during the pesticide
application, stay inside for an hour or two.

* If pesticides are applied frequently near your home (if you
live next to fields receiving regular pesticide treatment),
consider planting a buffer zone of thick-branched trees and
shrubs upwind to help serve as a buffer zone and windbreak.

Indoors, the air you breathe may bear pesticide residues long
after a pesticide has been applied to objects in your home or
office, or to indoor surfaces and crawl spaces. Pesticides
dissipate more slowly indoors than outdoors. In addition, energy
efficiency features built into many homes reduce air exchange,
aggravating the problem. To limit your exposure to indoor
pesticide residues:

* Use pesticides indoors only when absolutely necessary, and
then use only limited amounts. Provide adequate ventilation
during and after application. If you hire a pest control company,
oversee its activities carefully.

* If pesticides are used inside your home, air out the house
often, since outdoor air generally is fresher and purer than
indoor air. Open doors and windows, and run overhead or whole-
house fans to exchange indoor air for outside air rapidly and

* If pesticides have been used extensively and an indoor air
contamination problem has developed, clean -- scrub -- all
surfaces where pesticides may have settled, including cracks and
crevices. Consult a knowledgeable professional for advice on
appropriate cleaning materials if soap and water are

Exposure Through Home Usage

Over a lifetime, diet is the most significant source of
pesticide exposure for the general public. However, on a short-
term basis, the most significant exposure source is personal
pesticide use.

An array of pesticide products, ranging widely in toxicity and
potential effects, is available "off the shelf" to the private
user. No special training is required to purchase or use these
products, and no one is looking over the users' shoulder,
monitoring their vigilance in reading and following label
instructions. Yet many of these products are hazardous,
especially if they are stored, handled, or applied improperly.

To minimise the hazards and maximise the benefits that pesti-
cides bring, exercise caution and respect when using any pesti-
cide product.

* Consider pesticide labelling to be what it is intended to be:
your best guide to using pesticides safely and effectively.

* Pretend that the pesticide product you are using is more toxic
than you think it is. Take special precautions to ensure an extra
margin of protection for yourself, your family, and pets.

* Don't use more pesticide than the label says. You may not
achieve a higher degree of pest control, and you will certainly
experience a higher degree of risk.

* If you hire a pest control firm to do the job, ask the company
to use the least toxic or any chemical-free pest control means
available that will do the job. For example, some home pest
control companies offer an electro-gun technique to control
termite and similar infestations by penetrating infested areas
and "frying" the problem pests without using any chemicals.

* And remember: sometimes a non-pesticidal approach is as
convenient and effective as its chemical alternatives. Consider
using such non-pesticidal approaches whenever possible.


What To Do in a Pesticide Emergency

The potential for a pesticide to cause injury depends upon
several factors:

* Toxicity of the active ingredient. Toxicity is a measure of
the inherent ability of a chemical to produce injury. Some
pesticides, such as pyrethrins, have low human toxicity while
others, such as sodium fluoroacetate, are extremely toxic.

* Dose. The greater the dose of a specific pesticide, i.e. the
amount absorbed, the greater the risk of injury. Dose is
dependent upon the absolute amount of the pesticide absorbed
relative to the weight of the person. Therefore, small amounts of
a pesticide might produce illness in a small child while the same
dose of the same pesticide in an adult might be relatively

* Route of absorption. Swallowing a pesticide usually creates
the most serious problem. In practice, however, the most common
route of absorption of pesticides is through the skin and the
most toxic pesticides have resulted in death through this route
of exposure.

* Duration of exposure. The longer a person is exposed to
pesticides, the higher the level in the body. There is a point at
which an equilibrium will develop between the intake and the
output. Then, the level will no longer continue to increase.
However, this point may be either above or below the known toxic

* Physical and chemical properties. The distribution and the
rates of breakdown of pesticides in the environment significantly
alter the likelihood that injury might occur.

* Population at risk. Persons who run the greatest danger of
poisoning are those whose exposure is highest, such as workers
who mix, load, or apply pesticides. However, the general public
also faces the possibility of exposure.

Recognising Pesticide Poisoning

Like other chemicals, pesticides may produce injury externally
or internally.

External irritants may cause contact-associated skin disease
primarily of an irritant nature -- producing redness, itching, or
pimples -- or an allergic skin reaction, producing redness,
swelling, or blistering. The mucous membranes of the eyes, nose,
mouth, and throat are also quite sensitive to chemicals. Stinging
and swelling can occur.

Internal injuries from any chemical may occur depending upon
where a chemical is transported in the body. Thus, symptoms are
dependent upon the organ involved. Shortness of breath, clear
saliva, or rapid breathing may occur as the result of lung
injury. Nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, or diarrhoea may
result from direct injury to the gastrointestinal tract. Exces-
sive fatigue, sleepiness, headache, muscle twitching, and loss of
sensation may result from injury to the nervous system. In gener-
al, different classes of pesticides produce different sets of

For example, organophosphate pesticides may produce symptoms of
pesticide poisoning affecting several different organs, and may
progress rapidly from very mild to severe. Symptoms may progress
in a matter of minutes from slight difficulty with vision to
paralysis of the diaphragm muscle, causing inability to breathe.

Therefore, if someone develops symptoms after working with
pesticides, seek medical help promptly to determine if the
symptoms are pesticide-related. In certain cases, blood or urine
can be collected for analysis, or other specific exposure tests
can be made. It is better to be too cautious than too late.

It is always important to avoid problems by minimising your
exposure when mixing and applying pesticides by wearing gloves
and other protective clothing.

The appropriate first aid treatment depends upon which pesticide
was used. Here are some tips for first aid that may precede, but
should not substitute for, medical treatment:

* Poison on skin. Drench skin with water and remove contaminated
clothing. Wash skin and hair thoroughly with soap and water. Dry
victim and wrap in blanket. Later, discard contaminated clothing
or thoroughly wash it separately from other laundry.

* Chemical burn on skin. Drench skin with water and remove
contaminated clothing. Cover burned area immediately with loose,
clean, soft cloth. Do not apply ointments, greases, powders, or
other drugs. Later, discard or thoroughly wash contaminated
clothing separately from other laundry.

* Poison in eye. Eye membranes absorb pesticides faster than any
other external part of the body; eye damage can occur in a few
minutes with some types of pesticides. Hold eyelid open and wash
eye quickly and gently with clean running water from the tap or a
hose for 15 minutes or more. Do not use eye drops or chemicals or
drugs in the wash water.

* Inhaled poison. Carry or drag victim to fresh air immediately.
(If proper protection is unavailable to you, call for emergency
equipment from the Fire Department.) Loosen victim's tight
clothing. If the victim's skin is blue or the victim has stopped
breathing, give artificial respiration and call rescue service
for help. Open doors and windows so no one else will be poisoned
by fumes.

* Swallowed poison. A conscious victim should rinse his mouth
with plenty of water and then drink up to one quart of milk or
water to dilute the pesticide. Induce vomiting only if
instructions to do so are on the label. If there is no label
available to guide you, do not induce vomiting. Never induce
vomiting if the victim is unconscious or is having convulsions.

In dealing with any poisoning, act fast; speed is crucial.

First Aid for Pesticide Poisoning

First aid is the first step in treating a pesticide poisoning.
Study the "Statement of Treatment" on the product label before
you use a pesticide. When you realise a pesticide poisoning is
occurring, be sure the victim is not being further exposed to the
poison before calling for emergency help. An unconscious victim
will have to be dragged into fresh air. Caution: do not become
poisoned yourself while trying to help. You may have to put on
breathing equipment or protective clothing to avoid becoming the
second victim.

After giving initial first aid, get medical help immediately.
This advice cannot be repeated too often. Bring the product
container with its label to the doctor's office or emergency room
where the victim will be treated; keep the container out of the
passenger space of your vehicle. The doctor needs to know what
chemical is in the pesticide before prescribing treatment
(information that is also on the label). Sometimes the label even
includes a telephone number to call for additional treatment

To keep your pets from being poisoned, follow label directions on
flea and tick products carefully, and keep pets off lawns that
have been newly treated with weed killers and insecticides.

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